Dizziness - Vestibular rehabilitation for all
A comprehensive 2 day practical, evidence-based introduction to Vestibular assessment, treatment & rehabilitation; and an up-to-date and in-depth look at treatment concepts and rehabilitation strategies for complex multi-factorial dizziness and balance disorders
Taal scholing: Nederlands – Accreditatie in aanvraag – Kwaliteitshuis (KRF & SKF): 12 punten - ProQKine: 24NE
A comprehensive 2 day practical, evidence-based introduction to Vestibular assessment, treatment & rehabilitation; and an up-to-date and in-depth look at treatment concepts and rehabilitation strategies for complex multi-factorial dizziness and balance disorders
Day 1 objectives
On completion, the participants should be able to:
· Understand what we mean by dizziness and vertigo and how we balance.
· Understand the scale of the problems associated with dizziness and recognise the need for vestibular assessment, particularly in the elderly.
· Recognise the common peripheral vestibular disorders and differentiate these from central nervous system pathology.
· Incorporate a basic vestibular examination into their usual neuro-musculoskeletal assessments.
· Plan appropriate rehab programmes based upon individual assessment and clinical reasoning.
· Diagnose and treat common variant positional vertigo (BPPV).
· Utilize the most appropriate outcome measures.
Day 2 objectives
On completion, the participants will have:
• Developed their understanding of the pro-active, multi-factorial nature of the balance system.
• Reviewed the central nervous system pathways involved in central and peripheral vestibular disorders.
• Reviewed up to date ideas behind more challenging forms of compensated vertigo (vestibular migraine, visual vertigo, cervical vertigo, phobic postural vertigo, PPPD).
• In practice, learnt to diagnose and treat atypical positional vertigo (BPPV) canaliathis and cupuloliathis variants, in the posterior, lateral and anterior semi-circular canals.
• Planned appropriate rehab programmes based upon individual assessment and clinical reasoning.
• Learnt to integrate vestibular treatment & cervical manual therapy within a neuro-musculo-skeletal assessment, to optimally treat cervical dizziness.
• Practiced & progressed treatment interventions to the dysfunctional side, incorporating gaze, cervical manual therapy and functional exercises.