Multisensory dizziness
This webinar will examine examples of how the different sensory inputs are integrated within the brainstem, helping us to understand the physiology behind some common presentations of dizziness.
Taal scholing: Engels - Geaccrediteerd register algemeen - Kwaliteitshuis (SKF en KRF): 3 punten algemeen, manueel en orofasciaal - ProQKine: In aanvraag
Dizziness is an extremely common condition, that often becomes chronic and remains largely untreated. A major problem for the clinician is that, by the time the client seeks help, we are often unable to identify any actual pathology. We are very good at telling the patient what they have not got; not very good at telling them what they have got! One of the reasons behind this dilemma is that often the problem is not with the peripheral sensory inputs, but rather with the brains central processing of the sensory inputs.
Omschrijving webinar
This webinar will examine examples of how the different sensory inputs are integrated within the brainstem, helping us to understand the physiology behind some common presentations of dizziness.
Specifically we will look at:
A functional understanding of dizziness and the balance system within a bio-psycho-social context
Examples of how central sensory processing functions, malfunctions and contributes to dizziness. Cervical dizziness and does it really exist as a pathology?
Differentiating vestibular & visual vertigo.
The role of cognition and emotional inputs in functional dizziness, PPPD.
How and why vestibular rehabilitation is used in post concussion syndrome.