Webinar Jeremy Lewis Frozen Shoulder
This webinar is based on extensive clinical experience in assessment, diagnosis, evidence based treatment and rehabilitation of frozen shoulder, as well as extensive reference to research publications from a variety of disciplines. Surgical and non-surgical management will be presented and discussed.
Taal webinar: Engels - Geaccrediteerd register - Keurmerk: 4 punten - KRF: 4 punten - ProQKine: 5 NE
Jeremy Lewis is a Consultant Physiotherapist and Professor of Musculoskeletal Research (University of Hertfordshire, UK, University of Limerick, Ireland and Qatar University, Qatar). He was born in New Zealand and trained in Australia. He works in the UK National Health Service. He has been awarded a Fellowship of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, which is the highest award the CSP can offer. He has been acknowledged as an eminent clinician in his profession (UK Department of Health National AHP Clinical Expert Database). Clinically, Jeremy assesses and supports people presenting with complex shoulder problems. Jeremy has also trained as a sonographer and performs ultrasound guided shoulder injections as part of the rehabilitation process if required and appropriate. He has also completed an MSc (Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy), and Postgraduate Diplomas in Sports Physiotherapy, and in Biomechanics, as well as MSc modules in injection therapy for soft tissues and joints. He also has a Postgraduate Certificate in Diagnostic Imaging (Ultrasound). He has also qualified as an Independent (non-medical) Prescriber.
Jeremy has taught over 500 international workshops in over 40 countries on this favourite clinical subject, the shoulder. He is frequently invited to present keynote and invited lectures internationally, has appeared on news programs and presented podcasts talking about shoulder problems. His research and publications have been picked up by international news organisations. His YouTube™ video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bUf9VcYLmI has over 720,000 views and has been translated into 5 languages. His keynote lecture at IFOMPT is available online and has over 32K views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEy5k6GBYZ4 , as well as at SportFisioSwiss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVRTZm3pI3Y
Jeremy works both clinically and in the academic world and has more than 100 research publications. His main areas of research interest are rotator cuff related shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, injection therapy, exercise therapy self-management and sustainability. He also writes about “The medicalisation of normality in musculoskeletal practice” https://www.jospt.org/doi/full/10.2519/jospt.2020.0601 (open access). He has also co-authored a paper entitled: Is it time to reframe how we care for people with non-traumatic musculoskeletal pain? Since publication in 2018 it has been downloaded 120K times, and it is available open access https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/52/24/1543.info . He regularly posts his and other people’s research https://twitter.com/JeremyLewisPT .
In addition to his own research, he supervises PhD and MSc students. Jeremy is a special features (Viewpoint) editor for the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT). He was a co-editor and author for Grieve’s Modern Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (4th ed) and is currently part of the editorial team for Edition 5. He has written many book chapters and has written the forwards for 3 internationally acclaimed physiotherapy textbooks.
Jeremy loves gardening, carpentry, Tai Chi and riding his bike through the woods, but readily admits he isn’t great at any of these activities.
This webinar is based on extensive clinical experience in assessment, diagnosis, evidence based treatment and rehabilitation of frozen shoulder, as well as extensive reference to research publications from a variety of disciplines. Surgical and non-surgical management will be presented and discussed.