Webinar Clinical reasoning for pain & exercise XX
Join Ben Cormack as he explores the world of exercise prescription for painful problems and provides simple and useable tools to help out with the uncertainty and doubt that many therapists experience when using exercise.
Taal scholing: Engels - Geaccrediteerd algemeen, manueel & sport register - Keurmerk: 3 punten - KRF: 3 punten - ProQKine: 5 NE
Exercise has become a key part of the treatment tool box for many therapists and has become an evidence based and a recommended treatment for many painful problems for back pain to osteoarthritis.
But there are still many clinical questions to be answered:
Which exercise?
How much?
Join Ben Cormack as he explores the world of exercise prescription for painful problems and provides simple and useable tools to help out with the uncertainty and doubt that many therapists experience when using exercise.
Topics covered
- Is exercise effective for pain?
- How does it work and why does that matter?
- Exercise prescription tool
- When do you need to be specific with exercise?
- Case study