Hip and Knee: Complex Understanding for Simple Solutions
This complex content will be presented in a way that is simple to understand and even simpler to implement by focusing on key concepts in a hierarchical format.
Taal scholing: Engels - Geaccrediteerd voor het beroepsgerelateerd deel en het algemeen & sport register - Keurmerk: 14 punten - KRF: 12 punten - ProQKine: in aanvraag voor heraccreditatie voor 2022
Wij doen ons uiterste best om onze scholingen in deze tijd door te laten gaan volgens nationale en internationale richtlijnen rondom COVID-19. Mocht er iets veranderen voor deze scholing, dan brengen we je zo snel mogelijk op de hoogte.
The hip and knee are a complex pairing comprising the structural and functional core of many human movements, from ADL to sport. Rehab professionals such as physical therapists and athletic trainers are in a unique position to evaluate, treat, and oversee the recovery of patients with hip and knee injuries. They also often find themselves in the position to assist with developing injury reduction programs for active populations. Having a deeper understanding of what is known and not known can help professionals develop the most effective programs to address these issues.This two-day course will include lecture and lab demonstration to explore the complexity of the hip and the knee. Topics including femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), acetabular labral and chondral injuries, tendinopathies in the region such as gluteal, psoas, and patellar, ligamentous injuries, meniscal tears, and patellofemoral pain (PFP) will be discussed. There will also be extensive exploration of postoperative management and return to play strategies for common procedures such as anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR), femoroplasty, and labral and meniscal repairs. This complex content will be presented in a way that is simple to understand and even simpler to implement by focusing on key concepts in a hierarchical format.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Explore the current understanding of the mechanisms of injury in non-arthritic intra-articular hip pathologies and knee injuries
- Perform a simple screen for hip patients that would benefit from early surgical consult and for athletes that may be at higher risk for knee injury or second injury
- Understand special considerations regarding extra-articular hip pathology
- Describe the most effective programs for reducing the risk for lower extremity injuries
- Focus on primary goals of postoperative rehabilitation to maximize return to sport function
- Develop a targeted and streamlined exercise progression for maximal benefit
- Consider the complexity of human movement and how it applies to rehabilitation
Lees hier alles over Erik Meira!