Webinar non-operative ACL Management
This webinar will take you through the current evidence base surrounding non-opeative ACL management and dispell a number of myths that patients need to have an ACL reconstruction to achieve a great outcome following ACL injury.
Taal scholing: Engels - Geaccrediteerd algemeen & sport register - Keurmerk: 4 punten - KRF: 4 punten - ProQKine: 5 NE
Mick Hughes is a Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist with a special interest in ACL injury management. He has co-authored the Melbourne ACL Rehabilitation Guide and consults with a high volume of ACL injured patients; including those seeking a second opinion about their rehab choices.
This webinar will take you through the current evidence base surrounding non-opeative ACL management and dispell a number of myths that patients need to have an ACL reconstruction to achieve a great outcome following ACL injury.
Learning outcomes:
Non-operative ACL management
- Understand the findings of the KANON trial and its practical implications
- Understand who these finding apply to; and who we need to be very cautious of applying this information to
- Understand what a potential coper and potential non-coper are and how to assess for them
- Understand how ACL injury contributes to degenerative changes over time
- Understand what high-quality, non-operative rehab should entail