Fascial manipulation method - Level II
In the Level 2 Fascial Manipulation® course (FM-2), participants expand on their understanding of the biomechanical model to treat patients with multi-segmental dysfunctions more efficiently.
Taal scholing: Engels - Accreditatie - Keurmerk: 36 punten - KRF: geen accreditatie - PQK: niet aangevraagd
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Fascial Manipulation© is a manual therapy that has been developed by Luigi Stucco PT, in collaboration with his children Carla Stecco and Antonio Stecco (both MDs, PhDs), over the last 40 years. Focusing on fascia and in particular the deep muscular fascia. FM considers the myofascial system as a three-dimensional continuum. This method presents a complete biomechanical model that assists in deciphering the role of fascia in musculoskeletal disorders. In recent years, both Carla and Antonio Stecco have carried out extensive research into the anatomy and histology of the fascia via dissection of unembalmed cadavers in Italy and other countries. These dissections have provided new histological and anatomical data including the existence of myotendinous expansions between segments, the multi-layered structure of deep fascia and the abundant innervation of this tissue by mechanoreceptors and free nerve endings. The mainstay of the manual method developed by Luigi Stecco lies in the identification of specific, localized areas of the fascia in connection with specific limited movements. Once a limited or painful movement is identified, then a specific point on the fascia is implicated and through the appropriate manipulation of this precise part of the fascia, movement can be restored.
In the Level II Fascial Manipulation® course (FM-2), participants expand on their understanding of the biomechanical model to treat patients with multi-segmental dysfunctions more efficiently. The first part will consist of three days of online material, and will end with a one hour webinar. The second part will consist of three practical training days in Nijmegen. As part of the learning process, Level 2 students require to present Assessment Charts of cases treated after Level 1 for discussion.
Participants must provide proof of successful completion of Fascial Manipulation Level I before applying for Level I.
NOTE: before the start of this course (webinar on 18 November) the online preparation work needs to be finished!
Lees hier alles over Antonio Stecco!