Webinar The wobbly shoulder
At the end of this webinar you will have a full understanding of shoulder instability and different contributors to patient’s presentations? You will be able to confidently identify the key priorities in planning rehabilitation interventions and how to enhance the sensorimotor aspects of your patients’ rehabilitation. You will appreciate potential barriers to success and have simple assessment tools to identify these and inform your interventions.
Taal scholing: Engels - Geaccrediteerd algemeen, manueel & sport register - Keurmerk: 4 punten - KRF: 4 punten - ProQKine: 5 NE
So when a patient presents with an unstable shoulder can we treat them like any other patient with shoulder pain? Are there specific considerations we need to take into account with this patient group? Do developments in our understanding regarding the pathophysiology and classification of different subgroups help us identify the best treatment options for our patients?
In this webinar we will:
Look at the current evidence base regarding the pathophysiology of shoulder instability and what it means to our treatment.
Describe subgroups of patients with shoulder instability and the implications for our treatment approach.
Illustrate the importance of emphasizing the sensorimotor aspects of your rehabilitation in patients with shoulder instability.
Consider potential barriers to successful treatment and what to do about them.
At the end of this webinar you will have a full understanding of shoulder instability and different contributors to patient’s presentations? You will be able to confidently identify the key priorities in planning rehabilitation interventions and how to enhance the sensorimotor aspects of your patients’ rehabilitation. You will appreciate potential barriers to success and have simple assessment tools to identify these and inform your interventions.