Webinar: Thoracic outlet syndrome
In this session our experts of the upper limb, Andrew Cuff and Thomas Mitchell, will discuss the increasing body of evidence regarding TOS.
Taal webinar: Engels - Accreditatie KNGF 3 punten - Keumerk 3 punten - ProQKine 6 NE
What do you know about Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)? In this session our experts of the upper limb, Andrew Cuff and Thomas Mitchell, will discuss the increasing body of evidence regarding TOS. They will discuss if TOS is a diagnosis of exclusion, offer opinion on current conservative management and share their experiences of navigating local care pathways for patients with TOS.
By the end of this seminar we aim for our candidates to have an:
- increased understanding of the clinical features and types of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS).
- understanding of common features in those suspected TOS.
- awareness for the evidence for and against the use of clinical tests and diagnostic interventions.
- pathways of care and escalation and self-management.
- conservative and rehabilitation management options